Crytek Frankfurt

Crytek Frankfurt

Envision. Enable. Achieve. Crytek is an independent company at the forefront of the interactive entertainment industry, and is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of gaming by creating standout experiences with their cutting-edge 3D game technology, CRYENGINE. Founded by brothers Avni, Cevat, and Faruk Yerli in 1999, Crytek has its headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany, with additional studios in Kiev (Ukraine), Budapest (Hungary), Sofia (Bulgaria), Seoul (South Korea), Nottingham (United Kingdom), Shanghai (China), Istanbul (Turkey), and Austin (USA). Since its establishment, Crytek has consistently been recognized for excellence in its field – earning accolades such as the 2011 Develop Award for Best Independent Studio and a 2010 Red Dot Design Award. Its award-winning games include Far Cry®, Crysis® (Best PC Game of E3 2007), Crysis® Warhead (Best Graphics Technology at IGN Best of 2008 Awards), Crysis® 2 (Best Shooter of E3 2010 and Gamescom 2010), Fibble – Flick ‘n’ Roll, Crysis® 3 (Electronic Playground Best of E3 2012 and Most Valuable Game from PC Gamer E3 2012), and Warface® (Best Social/Casual/Online Game of Gamescom 2012). Crytek is committed to creating high-quality products powered by its CRYENGINE technology. In 2010, Crytek announced Warface, their first free-to-play game service and a major milestone in the studio’s history. The announcement was followed by the 2012 release of Fibble – Flick ‘n’ Roll, their debut game for mobile devices. Since then the company have gone on to create Xbox One-exclusive launch title Ryse: Son of Rome, and their second mobile title, The Collectables. To further support the company’s future within the free-to-play gaming model, Crytek launched GFACE in 2012: a social gaming hub which serves as a platform for upcoming Crytek games.

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January 01, 1999

Games (6)